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Monday, May 30, 2016

Alex Jones Earth7781-d

Alex Jones Earth7781-d 

A short story by Lucius 

4:00 a.m. Alex stirs around lying in his bed waking to the sound of his alarm. He grasps out into the darkness successfully silencing his violator of peace and buying himself five more minutes before the rush of the day would consume him. The next time the alarm called Alex to arms he has mentally fortified himself to start the day, running to the call of nature. Waking up this early frees him up to beat his two siblings and adoring mother to the facilities. After attending to his morning routine Alex sat down at his desk, putting final touches on his history project; A written essay and physical model of the city state capital of the Roman Empire. Alex focused his paper on commerce and used the physical model to display the monuments. 

     After finishing this tedious work he went to make breakfast for his brothers and himself. Entering the kitchen he saw a note on the fridge, "Alex, I start my new rotation today there are forty dollars in my night stand it's yours and take the extra twenty for gas. Thank you for taking your brothers to school. Good luck on your project! I love you, mom." Despite him forgetting this he still had plenty of time. With great age comes great responsibility. He proceeded to finish breakfast and get his brothers ready fortunately they're in seventh and eighth grades respectively so it's not to bad. He drops the boys off at John F. Kennedy middle school. As he was pulling out he realized he grabbed the presentation but not his essay. Frustrated, he peeled out in his Camero weaving in and out of lanes between cars, before hitting a red light. While waiting for the traffic to clear to make the right on red he heard a loud pop and bang.  Unbeknownst  to him, a traffic helicopter's rotor had blown out, Causing the chopper to come crashing down on top of the Camero. Becoming a fire encased tomb for the the pilot, the traffic correspondent and our friend Alex Jones.

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