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Sunday, September 4, 2016

The Fox and the Cat: Broken Canolli - A short story by Lucius

The Fox and the Cat: Broken Canolli

       "Smoking Fox, do you copy? Fox do you copy?" Silver Cat was monitoring tonight's attack mission into the DiPalma crime family.
Raiding this weapons cash will injure their main armory, Smoking Fox thinks before responding to his colleague.
"Silver Cat this is Smoking Fox, I'm in position. I can't tell how many are inside, but I see three men armed with tech nines and shot guns."
"Excellent, I'll start the two car alarms out front. We need to be in and out fast, I don't want to deal with reinforcements."
"Ever since we teamed up I never get to have fun." After a single keystroke the alarms of the two cars parked in the drive start screaming bloody murder into the peaceful night air of this five bedroom three level colonial style with efficiency apartment over the attached garage. 
          Six large men storm out of the dwelling in the middle of nowhere. Wearing black military dress battle uniforms, they proceed to surround the two vehicles parked side by side in front of the garage. The armed guards, finding no apparent evidence of third party intervention turn off the alarms file into line proceeding to start walking back into the house.
As the last guard passes Smoking Fox silently jumps down stabbing the gangster vertically down through the top of his skull. Swiftly slinging his sword through the air, slashing through the spine of the sixth guard paralyzing him from the waist down. He hits the ground alerting the last four guards. Briskly leaping toward the fourth the hero decapitates him grabbing his fresh corpse and throwing it into the third knocking him down then throws two knives into the right eye of each of the last two guards.
The third guard from under his brother's dead body throws a M67 fragmentation grenade. Our hero kicks the hand grenade back so hard it gets stuck in the guard’s mouth, resembling a hog being carried to the roast. Smoking Fox then leaps towards the front door of the house out of the path of harm from the explosion.
As he stands up, he looks forward to a blinding flash and gunshot drowned out by Smoking Fox's temporarily deaf ears getting thrown three feet back by the sweet lead kiss into his chest of twelve gauge double 00 buck.  Slowly approaching our hero with his shotgun locked onto Smoking Fox visually scanning the man’s body for signs of life, readjusting his aim pointing his shotgun at the hero's head he pulls the pump action back when suddenly a shot rivaling the loudest thunder clap violates the sound barrier. 
          Quickly scrunching and relaxing his eyes to the touch of the fine pink mist blood bones amongst other pieces raining down on his face like a brain piñata. Regaining his composure is easier said than done.
On the bright side, if there was anyone left inside they wouldn't be now Fox thinks to himself. He turns around holding his fist up to signal Silver Cat to hold her position covering him in case backup shows up, he throws her a smile and a thumbs signaling thank you.
Twenty feet up into the tree forty fives meters down the drive of the house she sits in her makeshift sniper's perch, she sighs watching his back waiting for his signal to enter the house. 
          Smoking Fox keys the radio twice there all clear signal she climbs down onto the ground as the garage door starts to open revealing two large reinforced work trucks loaded with assorted military hardware automatic MP5s, M4s, M16s, AK-47s in automatics, various handguns, frag grenades including two M240s and a stinger missile launcher. Smoking Fox inspects the cargo making sure the explosives are secure as Silver Cat sprints to the garage within the second, she stops just at the threshold of the overheard door,
"Toss me the keys I'm in a hurry."
"Look just because you live life at a thousand miles per second doesn't mean you can rush me, we need to go over the plan." Smoking Fox proceeds to reach into a briefcase and pulling out an envelope and keys.
"Now that I have your attention you're going to follow me to the freeway but there is where we split ways. We need to keep these two trucks at two different locations, we don't have a frequency jamming garage big enough for both of them." Smoking Fox walks over to Silver Cat handing the keys to a truck and the envelope with directions and fifty thousand dollars American currency, a passport, wallet everything you need to fly out of country.
          "We'll meet up in Nice, one of France's most beautiful cities, especially this time of year. Once we're there we can see how the DiPalma family reacts to this hit. I also have a lead in another case, any questions?"
Why one of the most romantic cities in world? She screams in her mind, "No, but the last one to Nice buys dinner and drinks."
"Sounds fun, then you better run your flight isn't out of this state."
"No fair!!!" She screams as she runs to the wrong truck, fumbling with the keys finally getting into her getaway vehicle. As Silver Cat peels out Smoking Fox hops into the driver seat of his truck driving it out of the garage then climbs down from the cab proceeding to calmly walk to the door accessing the kitchen from the garage and tosses a frag grenade then get back into the running and drives off, looking in the driver side mirror he sees the natural gas explosion sparked by the M27 frag grenade, thinking to himself about phase two Canolli Cruncher.

- Lucius

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