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Monday, March 20, 2017

One Last Time

By: Shawn Baker
 My eyes open to a room full of darkness and I find myself in bed alone. I am assuming Bella made her way to the restroom again. She has been sick for the last few days, but refuses to let me take her to the hospital. She is the most hard headed woman I have ever met, but I wouldn't trade her for the world.

I close my eyes and begin to drift off to sleep when I am awoke by a loud noise. I sit up, staring at the door. Again, I hear a loud thump. I slide on my slippers and make way for the bedroom door. I open it slowly, eyes squinting as they struggle to adjust to the hallway light.
No response.

As I head out into the hallway, an intense uneasiness overwhelms me. I look to my left and see that the bathroom door is open and empty. I hear the tv on in the living room.
“Bella babe?” Again, no response.

I take two more steps down the hallway before I am met by Bella at the end of the hall.
“You feeling any better baby,” I ask.
She stares at me, eyes dark and hollow.
“Bell…” I am interrupted by a fierce growl, followed by her charging after me. My instincts kick in and I immediately grab her by the throat. I pin her against the wall.

I immediately start to cry as I clearly see that the love of my life is gone. Physically present, but that is it. I stand there, hand wrapped tightly around her throat. She continues to stare at me blankly, growling in between attempts to bite me.

I lead her into the bathroom by her throat. Once we are inside, I shove her towards the sink and exit immediately, closing the door with a sense of urgency. Standing in the hallway, my thoughts overwhelm me to the point I have become lightheaded and begin to feel nauseous. Frozen in place, my vision slowly comes back into focus. I follow the sound of the television.

I find our living room in a disastrous state. The coffee table has been flipped over. Mail, magazines and various papers are scattered across the floor. The couch and loveseat cushions are ripped. Once my mind processes this chaos, my attention is turned towards the emergency broadcast on the tube. The chief of police is being interviewed by a Channel 10 reporter.

“At this point in time, all we know for sure is that bites spread the infection. Stay away from those who are sick. Avoid being bit. We have managed to ship some of them off for testing. We are currently awaiting results from the CDC. In the meantime, my men and I shall continue our fight to maintain the outbreak...”

I turn the tv off and make way to the bedroom. I sit on the edge of bed, distraught as I look at a picture of Bella and I on the day I proposed to her. Considering how quickly the world had gone to shit, I have lost damn near all certainty. In fact, the only two things I am certain about is that the creature scratching and growling at the bathroom door is no longer the woman I fell in love with and she will never be that woman again.

After swallowing that tough pill of reality, I rise and walk to the utility closet in the hallway. I grab some rope, two rolls of duct tape, a pillow case, and an aluminum baseball bat. My heart is beating rapidly as I approach the bathroom door. I take 3 deep breaths and proceed to open it. I open it with a push, knocking Bella backwards. I use my bat to sweep her off of her feet. As soon as she falls to the ground, I place my foot on her neck while I cover her head with the pillowcase. I duct tape the casing around her neck several times. Once secure, I pick her up by the neck and drag her into the bedroom.

Using the rope, I tie her right arm and leg to the upper right bedpost. I repeat this step by doing the same with her left arm and leg to the upper left bedpost. I stand at the end of the bed, staring. I am completely stupefied by the sight of my “lady.”

Snapping out of my state of confusion, I grab my bowie knife out of the bedroom closet. I walk over to the head of the bed, bend down and whisper, “I love you Bella,” into her ear. She continues to growl and shake furiously.

I make a clean cut down the side of her night shorts. They slide right off. I take a moment to admire her vagina. I smile as I think about all the times I used to fuck it. I walk over to the dresser and grab the KY jelly out of the top drawer. I take my boxers off and cover my penis with lubricant.

I make way to the bed and get on top of Bella. I rub her chest and abdomen gently with both hands.
“I never thought it would end like this Bella Babe. The world as we know it is over but our love will never die. It's like Tesla says, love will find a way.”
I kiss each nipple and slowly insert my dick inside of her. I pound away. I ignore her growls of satisfaction for the most part, but occasionally growl back at her. I thrust myself to completion. I lean back slightly on my knees and watch my ejaculation languidly leak from her cold, lifeless body.

I reach over and pick up my bowie knife from the nightstand. I cut the pillowcase off of her head. We stare into each other's eyes briefly.
“I love you Bella. You were my reason to live. I refuse to carry on without you.”
I caress the side of her face with the back of my hand. I lower myself towards her, allowing Bella to take a bite from my neck. I sit upward, smiling at Bella as blood gushes out of my neck. I fall off the side of the bed. I lay there, back to the floor as I stare at the ceiling. I can't stop smiling as everything fades to black...

One Last Time
By: Shawn Baker

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