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Monday, May 30, 2016

The Encounter By M.A.N. *Warning Adult Content*

The Encounter

By M.A.N.

Explicit Content

The Encounter
After a long day of pampering herself, Kelli walks into the restaurant inside the Chicago hotel where she’s staying for the weekend. Having a seat at the bar, she waves down the bartender to order her favorite drink, a Long Island Iced Tea.
She asks the bartender to change the channel because it’s showing sports and no-one else is paying any attention to the TV.
“How do you know I wasn’t watching that,” says a strong male voice from the right.
“I’m sorry.” Kelli responds apologetically. "I noticed you writing on your napkin and didn’t think you were watching.”
“So now you're watching me?” The mysterious man wittingly shoots back.
“No no… I just..” Kelli says, embarrassingly stumbling over her words.
“I’m joking. I’m not watching that. I’m Mike, and you are?” He says moving to the seat next to Kelli extending his arm to shake her hand.
“I'm Kelli." Reaching out to shake Mike’s hand, "How do you know that seat isn’t taken?”
“Well first off, there's no ring on your finger. Secondly, you came in and asked to change the channel. That tells me you're not waiting on anyone."
Smirks are exchanged.
"So Kelli, what brings you to the bar alone?”
“Just having a drink. What about you?” Kelli asks taking a sip from her straw.
“Just stepping out of my room for awhile.”
“Where are you from?” Kelli asks.
“Columbus, Ohio,”
“Wow, small world. Me too!” Kelli responds.
“Are you really? Mike ask with excitement. What side of town?”
“East side. Blacklick area.”
“Okay, I know where that is. I stay on the north side. What brings you to Chicago?”
“I’m celebrating. I just finished school.”
“Oh wow, congratulations! What did you go to school for?”
“Fashion design.”
“Nice. Are you wearing one of your designs right now?”
Mike was referring to her red jumpsuit. It accentuated every alluring curve of Kelli’s body, from her 38D breast down to her slim waist and thick hips.
“Yes. As a matter of fact, I am.” Kelly smiles proudly.
“Looks nice.”
“Thank you.”
“Yes ma’am. Since we’re celebrating, why don't we continue our conversation over dinner?” Standing from his stool, Mike reaches out for Kelli’s hand to help her off of hers.
Hesitation being Kelli's first reaction, she pauses a moment. Kelli notices his muscular physique, and smells his musky cologne. Goosebumps form on her skin as she allows her eyes to quickly run down his body.
“When did this become a 'we' thing?” Kelli responds jokingly, accepting Mike's hand and stepping down from her stool.
Mike noticed how beautiful Kelli was.
“ Just now.” Mike says leading Kelli to an empty table.
Kelli loved how direct and decisive Mike was.
Over dinner, the pair enjoyed each other's conversation. Ranging from favorite childhood cartoons to their views on religion, the magic grew with each topic. The chemistry the two shared was organic in nature and Kelli was loving Mike’s energy.
Mike was charismatic and witty. He was able to keep Kelli laughing and was great at listening. It could’ve been her third long island, but Kelli was getting more comfortable with Mike as the night carried on. She spoke of her family and her dreams of one day owning her own boutique.
Entranced in their conversation, they didn’t notice that three hours had past. They were the only two people remaining in the restaurant. Their waiter arrived with the check and informed them that the restaurant would be closing shortly. Mike covers the check and asks Kelli to join him for a walk.
“Okay, let me take a picture of you first to send to my friend. Just in case you try to kill me." Kelli says half jokingly.
“Nah I wouldn’t do that, Mike says laughing. “You can use that as my picture when I call you though.”
“Hmm, I guess I can give you my number.”
Walking through the moonlit streets of Chicago, they continue to learn more about each other. They walk past an adult shop and Kelli suggest they go in because she’s never been.
“You want to go in a sex store on our first date?” Mike asked with excitement in his voice and a smile on his face.
“Don’t get no ideas. And who said this was a date?" Kelli responds.
“Drinks, dinner, walk, sex store. This is definitely a date.”
They both laugh and walk inside.
Kelli and Micheal slowly walk through the store, looking at all the items on the walls and display cases.
“Tell me what i'm looking at," Kelli says.
“Okay. Well, here we have a cock ring. You place it over the penis and slide it over the shaft until you can go no further.”  Micheal explains as if he was showing art at the museum.
“You silly,'' Kelli laughs. “What's it for?"
“Keeping your dick hard.”
Kelli laughs loudly, feeling a little embarrassed. She looks around to see if anyone is watching her. Moving along, they come to a counter displaying vibrators of all different shapes and sizes.
“Ever seen a vibrator?” Micheal asks.
“Not in person.”
“Not in person?”Micheal replies, shocked by the response. “So you've seen a porno?”
“Yeah, I've seen one. I don't like 'em.” Kelli says inspecting the penis shaped vibrator, switching through the different speeds.
“I want one of these," Kelli says holding a small bullet vibrator.
“Get it.
 "So, you saw a porn and you say you don't like them? You saw a bad one then. The world of porn is vast, follow me.”
Continuing to curate through the sex store, Micheal leads Kelli to a nearby wall. He shows her the different types of porn, explaining to her the various categories.
“Thank you for the tour," Kelli says teasingly.
“It was my pleasure. Anytime.” Micheal responds with a grin. They head toward the counter for Kelli to buy her new toy. Before Micheal could get the money out of his wallet, Kelli beat him to the cashier.
“I'd rather pay for this myself. A little gift for me,” Kelli says.
“Okay," Micheal says, placing his wallet back in his pocket.

Back at the hotel, Kelli walks  through the hall with Micheal to her room. Uncertain if she should let him in her room, she decides to go with the flow of the night as they reach her door.
“I'm right here,” Kelli says reaching into her handbag for her room key.
“Did you have a good night?” Micheal asked.
“I did, thank you.” Kelli says with a smile.
“You're welcome.  Will I see you back in Columbus?”
“ Yeah, I guess so,” Kelli Says flirtatiously.
“I'll take that,” Micheal says laughing as he leans forward to hug her.
Kelli welcomes his tight hug and is a bit surprised by his gentle kiss on her cheek, but she likes it.  Micheal's next kiss was even more surprising, and sent a chill through Kelli's body.  Enjoying the moment, she relaxes in Micheal's arms. She tilts her head back allowing him more of her neck to kiss.
Micheal slowly glides his hands from her lower back to her shoulders  and back down resting his hands on her soft ass. He squeezes gently before pulling her closer into his body. Kelli lets out a small moan of pleasure as her heart rate begins to increase. Each breath getting deeper as she allows herself to be under his control.
Walking Kelli backwards, Micheal pins her body between his and her door. Passionately kissing her soft lips and loving the pain he feels as she nibbles on his bottom lip. With one hand on the door, he massages her breast with the other hand causing her to roll her eyes back in pleasure.
Mesmerized by his gentle hands rubbing her wet pussy, Kelli doesn't care that they are in the Hotel hallway where anyone could see.
“Wait,” Kelli says, placing her hands against  Micheal's chest. “Not right now, not like this.”
Micheal nods, agreeing with Kelli's decision. "Have a good night Kelli.” He kisses her forehead. “I'll see you soon.”
“Good night,” Kelli reciprocates.
“Let me know how your new toy goes,” Micheal says with a smirk.
“Maybe,” Kelli says returning the smile as she shuts her room door.

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